Building the Strongest Thunder Clan Warrior, Unveiling the Full Skill Combination of the Dou Po Cang Qiong Mobile Game! (Challenge the Limits! The Strongest Skill Combination for Thunder Clan Grinding and PK in Dou Po Cang Qiong Mobile Game!)

Building the strongest Thunder Clan warrior, unveiling the full skill combinatio

Building the strongest Thunder Clan warrior, unveiling the full skill combination of the Dou Po Cang Qiong mobile game! (Challenge the Limits! The Strongest Skill Combination for Thunder Clan Grinding and PK in Dou Po Cang Qiong Mobile Game!) In “Dou Po Cang Qiong,” the Thunder Clan warrior is a long-range profession with powerful damage ability. As a long-range attack profession, the Thunder Clan warrior not only has decent output ability, but also possesses strong control and burst ability, making it a powerful output role in team battles.

The main skills of the Thunder Clan warrior in battle are Lightning Hand, Thunderous Blow, and Thunder Calling. Lightning Hand is a ranged output skill that can attack distant targets, while Thunderous Blow can stun the enemy while dealing damage. Thunder Calling can cause damage while attacking the enemy, making it a very versatile skill.

The Thunder Clan warrior performs excellently in both PVP and PVE. In PVP, players can use the immobilizing effect of Lightning Hand to continuously attack the enemy, while in PVE, players can use the point-control of Thunder Calling and the AOE attack of Thunderous Blow to keep the BOSS in a safe area for output.

In PVE, most of the Thunder Clan warrior’s skills are AOE skills. When facing the BOSS, players can use Lightning Hand to slow down and stun the BOSS, combined with the AOE attack of Thunderous Blow and Lightning Hand, they can easily kill the BOSS.

Challenge the Limits! The Strongest Skill Combination for Thunder Clan Grinding and PK in Dou Po Cang Qiong Mobile Game!

In the Dou Po Cang Qiong mobile game, the Thunder Clan is a long-range physical output profession with high burst damage. So how should Thunder Clan players in PVE match their skills for grinding and PK?

[Thunderous Space Splitting] Deals damage and stun to enemies in the target area, causing them to enter a thunder state. Thunderous Space Splitting lasts for 8 seconds. Under the thunder state, it deals damage to all enemies within a 3-meter radius every second, stacking up to 5 times, and lasts for 12 seconds.

[Wrath of the Wind God] Deals damage to all targets within its range and causes them to bleed for 2 seconds, causing additional damage. Thunderous Space Splitting lasts for 4 seconds, dealing damage to all targets within its range.

[Divine Thunder Punishment] Summons a thunderstorm to attack enemies in a frontal fan-shaped area, dealing damage to 5 targets within the target area. Under the thunder state, it deals damage every second and reduces the enemy’s movement speed.

[Evade and Counter Formation] Immune to control under the thunder state and reduces the damage taken by 30%. Under the thunder state, immune to all control effects, lasts for 6 seconds, restores health every 10 seconds, and removes negative status effects.

[True Yuan Protection] Heals all allies within a 5-meter radius around oneself, restoring 25% of the maximum value of lightning attribute battle energy.

[Spiritual Energy Overflow] Attacks nearby allies within a 5-meter range, healing 15% of the lightning attribute battle energy, gaining 20% damage reduction effect while healing, and immune to control effects for 6 seconds.

[Dragon Subduing Art·Spin] Releases lightning clouds and fire wheels, dealing damage to all targets within 4 yards and stunning them for 1 second. Thunder Blade Storm attacks the target area 6 times, causing a certain amount of damage with each attack. If Thunder Blade Storm kills a target, it recovers its own health.

In the Dou Po Cang Qiong mobile game, the Thunder Clan is known for its high burst damage. Its main skills are:

[Roar of Thunder][Raging Flames Madness][Unity of All Things] These 4 active skills can be used according to one’s own situation. Each skill has good output ability and short cooldown time, making them essential skills for Thunder Clan in PVP. However, their downside is also obvious, that is, the long cooldown time. Once they are approached, they are easily controlled or interrupted.

[Star-chasing Feather][Thunder Shadow Steps][Phantom Devil Ancient Temple] These 4 major active skills can be chosen according to one’s own situation. One skill can provide damage bonus to enemies, while another skill can cause control effects, making them quite flexible skills.

As a long-range magic output, Thunder Spirit Beast not only has decent damage ability in battle but also possesses powerful control ability, allowing enemies to quickly fall in desperate situations. The performance of Thunder Clan in dungeons is also very outstanding, with high maneuverability, control ability, and super-strong output ability. Of course, in PK, it also tests the player’s operation, as the operation of Thunder Clan requires a high skill level.

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