Endless Western Region Challenge: Iron Monkey Guess Words, Full of Monkey Spirit! (Hide and Seek Contest: Sugar Rain, Guess a Word but Cause Chaos if You Don’t Get Candy!)

Endless Western Region Challenge: Iron Monkey Guess Words, Full of Monkey Spirit

Endless Western Region Challenge: Iron Monkey Guess Words, Full of Monkey Spirit! (Hide and Seek Contest: Sugar Rain, Guess a Word but Cause Chaos if You Don’t Get Candy!) Endless Western Region Challenge: Iron Monkey Guess Words, Full of Monkey Spirit! Hide and Seek Contest: Sugar Rain, Play Games Based on Luck, If You Achieve a Good Ranking, You Might Win Many Prizes. So, the strategy that the editor brings to everyone is about the related content of the Endless Western Region Challenge: Iron Monkey Guess Words, so interested friends, come and have a look!

The “Hide and Seek Contest” event officially started on November 17th! Participating in the “Hide and Seek Contest” during the event period can earn rich rewards, including:

1. Complete each task to obtain a card fragment.

2. The “Hide and Seek Contest” has unlimited daily challenge attempts, but the reset attempts are free.

3. There are three free chances every day. After using up the free chances, you can spend 100 diamonds to purchase additional chances.

4. Completing five rounds of mini-games can earn lottery tickets.

The “Iron Monkey Guess Words” event has five themes, each corresponding to four different difficulties, namely “Easy,” “Medium,” “Hard,” three levels of mini-games. Completing the corresponding conditions can earn corresponding rewards. At the same time, each type of mini-game has an implied keyword -【Iron】, 【Rock】, 【Wind】, etc. Click on the term to view its detailed information.

Hide and Seek Contest: Sugar Rain, Guess a Word but Cause Chaos if You Don’t Get Candy!

The Hide and Seek Contest is a very popular activity recently because its unique gameplay has attracted many players, and the rewards are quite good too. However, the rules of this activity are very simple – Cause chaos if you don’t get candy! Players can freely play the game and choose their favorite map to play. They can also receive rich rewards and participate in voting. The top ten players in the final ranking will receive super gift packages!

The “Sugar Rain” event has started.

First, let’s understand how this competition is played – First, we need to choose our own character to play the game.

Then, the system will provide three options: [Start/End], [Begin]: These two are random.

We can choose different answers according to our preferences, but one thing to note is that among these three options, we can only choose one to play the game, so we must make sure to read it carefully before deciding whether to continue the game.

Next, the editor will introduce some props in the game for everyone, including some hidden things, such as hats, scarves, etc., which can be used directly as long as you think it’s appropriate. In addition, there are various traps, obstacles, and other props that can be used, which are very useful for catching or escaping players.

Finally, the editor wants to remind everyone that if you choose “Sugar,” you cannot choose other words! Therefore, the editor suggests that everyone try to avoid choosing those “Sugar” words as much as possible.

Of course, the rewards in the game are also very rich, such as coins and diamonds, which are very tempting rewards!

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