Unveiling the Secrets of the Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game Answerer, Answering Questions is as Exciting as Battle! (Super practical! Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game Answerer Complete Guide, Help You Achieve Question-Answering Mastery!)

The Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game Answerer is my favorite activity when p

The Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game Answerer is my favorite activity when playing “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game. Not only can it allow you to easily obtain a large number of rewards, but it can also quickly make you a knowledgeable person! Let’s take a look at this magical game answer together!

[Access Method]

Click on the “Activity” button at the top of the homepage to view the activity interface. Click on the bottom right corner “Daily” to open the activity level system.

[Gameplay Rules]

1. The activity level tasks can be completed 10 times per day.

2. The activity level tasks refresh at 0:00 every day and reset at midnight.

3. Players can use points to exchange for experience, silver coins, and items.

4. Completing all 20 activity level tasks each week can receive 1 activity level gift pack.

5. Completing 20 rounds of activity level gift packs can receive 300,000 silver coins and 1 million experience points.

6. There are a total of 6 types of activity level gift packs, including beginner treasure maps, intermediate beast decisions, and divine bags, etc.

7. After completing 40 rounds, you can have a chance to dig a treasure map.

8. Players can have a maximum of 10 chances to dig for treasures every day.

9. Refreshes at 0:00 every day.

10. All answer attempts will be cleared at midnight and the next round of answer attempts will be refreshed.

Above is the related guide for “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game brought to you today. Did everyone understand it? Hope this guide can help everyone, for more mobile game guides, please follow the mobile game website!

Super Practical! Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game Answerer Complete Guide, Help You Achieve Question-Answering Mastery!

The answerer of the Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game allows players to no longer be confused in the game! Want to know how to quickly complete these questions? Then quickly take a look at the complete guide for the “Super Practical! Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game answerer that the editor is sharing with everyone, help you achieve mastery in asking questions.

Activity Time:

July 15, 2015, 12:00 to August 6, 2022, 24:00

Participation Requirements:

Level ≥ 30

Activity Introduction:

In order to facilitate all the little friends to complete daily tasks more efficiently, “Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game” has prepared a special “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game answerer for novice players. Players only need to input the answer in the answerer to receive rewards!

Special Notes:

1. Each person can only participate in the answering questions once a day, answering 10 questions correctly can receive rewards;

2. Rewards are not affected by double point bonus and do not receive activity level rewards.

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