Qi Zhan Hua Zhang, Male Qi Gong Returns to its Peak in the Skill Revision (Extraordinary, Reshaping Glory, DNF Male Qi Gong Skill Revision Reborn)

Qi Zhan Hua Zhang, Male Qi Gong returns to its peak in the skill revision (Extr

Qi Zhan Hua Zhang, Male Qi Gong returns to its peak in the skill revision (Extraordinary, Reshaping Glory, DNF Male Qi Gong Skill Revision Reborn). It is believed that many friends are not very clear about this area. Next, I will introduce Qi Zhan Hua Zhang, Male Qi Gong returns to its peak in the skill revision (Extraordinary, Reshaping Glory, DNF Male Qi Gong Skill Revision Reborn). Interested friends can learn more about it.

Qi Zhan Hua Zhang, Male Qi Gong returns to its peak in the skill revision.

In the game, Male Qi Gong returns to its peak after the skill revision, resetting all combo moves. At the same time, in the process of using skills, the character will enter an invincible state. In addition, in battles, the female Qi Gong’s super armor skill can be dispelled.

Male Qi Gong’s invincible state can be dispelled in battles, and the male Qi Gong’s super armor skill can be dispelled as well. Male Qi Gong’s invincible state can also be dispelled in PK. At the same time, male Qi Gong’s super armor skill can be used to counterattack during PK fights. When using the super armor skill, if the opponent knocks down the male Qi Gong, he can also use the super armor skill to knock the opponent away. Male Qi Gong’s super armor skill can be countered by the female Qi Gong. However, male Qi Gong does not have a super armor skill in PK, so the male Qi Gong’s super armor skill cannot be used to restrain opponents.

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Extraordinary, Reshaping Glory, DNF Male Qi Gong Skill Revision Reborn

In the previous DNF male Qi Gong revision, due to the occupational design, many skills were reshaped. However, now, DNF male Qi Gong has been revised. Let’s take a look at the detailed content with the editor!

Extraordinary, Reshaping Glory, DNF Male Qi Gong Skill Revision Reborn.

This update mainly focuses on two aspects: the passive skills of male Qi Gong and the awakening skill. The awakening skill allows Qi Gong to gain a certain invincible state after releasing it and can enter the super armor state. Therefore, the skill revision of male Qi Gong is a very important matter for him.

The passive skill of male Qi Gong, after leveling up, can increase his movement speed and damage. In other words, after releasing the awakening skill, male Qi Gong can enter the super armor state, which I believe many players are aware of.

Another one is the active skill of male Qi Gong, which is also a very powerful skill. After strengthening the awakening skill, the passive skill of male Qi Gong can increase his attack speed and add some invincible time.

Finally, there is a big move of male Qi Gong, and the effect of the skill is also very good. After strengthening the awakening skill, male Qi Gong’s skill can not only increase movement speed but also increase invincible time. For professions with long skill cooldowns, it is very good. However, for professions with long skill cooldowns, this skill is not very useful.

Above is all the content of this male Qi Gong skill revision. I believe everyone already knows how to use the new skills, so hurry up and experience it in the game!

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