In-depth Details! How to Accurately Allocate Points for the QQ Fantasy Assassin? Comprehensive Analysis of Assassin Point Allocation (Streamlining, Efficient Output! QQ Fantasy Assassin Point Allocation Tips Revealed)

In-depth Details! How to Accurately Allocate Points for the QQ Fantasy Assassin

In-depth Details! How to Accurately Allocate Points for the QQ Fantasy Assassin? Comprehensive Analysis of Assassin Point Allocation (Streamlining, Efficient Output! QQ Fantasy Assassin Point Allocation Tips Revealed) In-depth Details! How to Accurately Allocate Points for the QQ Fantasy Assassin? Comprehensive Analysis of Assassin Point Allocation (Streamlining!) QQ Fantasy Assassin Point Allocation Tips Revealed. Among the many games on the Handgame website, Assassin is a class that many players like. Assassin is a melee class with high output, strong bursts, and low survival ability, making it a very popular class. Below, we will provide a detailed introduction for everyone.

In “QQ Fantasy”, the Assassin is a ranged class, but its output ability is not high. However, its attack range is long and the damage is considerable. Therefore, Assassin’s point allocation also requires some skills. Assassin’s attack power is unmatched by other classes, so Assassin’s point allocation also requires certain skills.

[Skill Point Allocation]

Both the passive and active skills of the Assassin are very useful. Passive skills can increase critical strike chance, attack speed, accuracy, evasion, and physical evasion. Active skills can cause single target damage and apply debuffs to enemies, while also providing certain effects such as increased maximum health, damage reduction, movement speed, and evasion. The passive skills can also increase physical penetration, magic penetration, critical strike, and accuracy. These four effects can enhance the player’s output ability, thereby dealing higher damage.

The active skills of the Assassin are: Shadow of Assassination, Dance of Illusion, and Magic Dragon Roar.

Shadow of Assassination: Can summon a clone. While the clone is present, the Assassin’s attack power and critical strike chance will be greatly increased.

Dance of Illusion: Summons a soul form. The attack power in soul form will be greatly enhanced.

Magic Dragon Roar: Summons a giant monster for battle. The monster will prioritize attacking the Assassin in soul form.

These three skills are the main means of output for the Assassin, and they have certain delays when used. Therefore, if you want to deal the highest damage, it is recommended to allocate points to one of them. This not only increases the attack frequency of the skill but also improves the player’s survival ability, allowing them to have a better combat state.

[Recommended Equipment Embedded Attributes]

The main attributes for equipment embedding are attack, critical strike, accuracy, and evasion. As for the gems of agility, strength, and intelligence, they can increase the player’s survival ability, thereby having a higher chance of survival in combat.

The main point allocation for the Assassin is focused on critical strike, attack speed, accuracy, and evasion. Among them, critical strike and attack speed are crucial for the Assassin, as they can greatly increase their attack damage and improve their survival ability while attacking, ensuring their combat effectiveness.

The main attributes for equipment embedding are attack, critical strike, accuracy, evasion, and maximum health. As for the gems of agility, intelligence, strength, and stamina, they can increase the player’s attack power, making their combat ability stronger.

The above content is the relevant strategy provided by Software Park.

Streamlining, Efficient Output! QQ Fantasy Assassin Point Allocation Tips Revealed

The Assassin class in “Fantasy Freedom” is a high burst physical output class, capable of dealing tons of damage in team battles. However, when soloing, the Assassin, being a squishy class, is under great threat, making the point allocation for the Assassin class very important. Today, I will bring you some tips on point allocation for the Assassin class in the game, hoping to help you create efficient output!

[One] Aggressive Type

Recommended point allocation: 5 Agility

[Two] Tank Type

[Three] Control Type

[Four] Support Type

[Five] Offensive Type

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