• Deribit Opens Zero-Fee Spot Market: BTC/USDC, ETH/USDC, and ETH/BTC Now Available

    On April 25th, according to official Twitter, the cryptocurrency options trading platform Deribit opened its zero fee spot market yesterday evening, offering three pairs of spot tr

  • The BTC-USDC trading pair on the coin reached 50000 US dollars in a short time this morning

    On March 13, it was reported that at about 7:15 today, the price of BTC-USDC transaction pairs on the money security platform suddenly reached $50000, and then returned to normal. At present, the transaction price of BTC-USDC is US $22621.71, up 9.64% in 24 hours. The USDC price is currently quoted at US $0.9918. Interpretation of this information: The message is reporting on a sudden spike in the price of BTC-USDC transaction pairs on March 13. At around 7:15, the price reached an unusually high $50,000 before returning to normal…

  • Coin security will launch BNB USDC, BTC USDC and ETH USDC trading pairs today

    According to the official announcement, Yuanan will launch BNB/USDC, BTC/USDC and ETH/USDC trading pairs at 14:30 Beijing time on March 12. Interpretation of this information: The announcement from Yuanan about the launch of BNB/USDC, BTC/USDC, and ETH/USDC trading pairs at 14:30 Beijing time on March 12 is an excellent development for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The new trading pairs will allow users to purchase Binance Coin (BNB), Bitcoin (BTC), and Ethereum (ETH) using the stablecoin USDC. Binance Coin is the official cryptocurrency of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, one of the largest crypto…
