Ethereum community approval process

  • Coinsulium: The Multiverse NFT standard (ERC-5606) has been approved on Ethereum to enhance Web3 asset interoperability

    On March 20th, Web3 venture capital firm Coinsulium Group Limited said that following the submission of EIP-5606 (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) in September last year, the new “Multiverse” NFT standard ERC-5606 developed by the Metalinq technical team has successfully completed the Ethereum community approval process. ERC-5606 is a new standard for creating multiple NFTs across multiple metauniverses, Web3 games, and platforms. These NFTs can represent unique assets in different virtual worlds, enabling interoperability between these worlds. ERC-5606 is fully compatible with the NFT standards ERC-721 and ERC-1155. Interpretation of this information:…
