royalty policy

  • Animoca Brands NFT series Mocaverse announced postponement of casting

    According to the report, the NFT series Mocaverse of Animoca Brands announced that because OpenSea recently adjusted the royalty policy, the on-chain royalty of Mocaverse under the current policy will not be fully implemented and cashed, so Mocaverse will postpone the public casting time. Interpretation of this information: Animoca Brands’ NFT series Mocaverse has announced that it will delay the public casting time due to the recent adjustment in royalty policy by OpenSea. Mocaverse, a blockchain-based gaming platform, was expected to use the on-chain royalty model to implement the royalty…

  • Blur issued a royalty update policy, including recommending not to use OpenSea

    According to reports, according to Blur’s official announcement, the NFT market announced the renewal of the royalty policy, which outlined some options of the creator’s royalty, each of which would have different impacts on Blur, the creator and OpenSea (Blur’s independent competition), mainly involving four situations: 1. If the collection does not use Block, it will not be able to ban the zero or optional royalty market, in which case Blur will charge 0.5% of the royalty, OpenSea is an optional royalty; 2. Block Blur, any NFT project that prohibits…
