Virtual Machines

  • What is Ethereum. Formal (What is Ethereum)

    What is Ethereum. Formal. What is Ethereum. Formal. Currently, mainstream public

  • Axelar is launching Axelar Virtual Machine (VM)

    It is reported that Axlar, a blockchain network that helps developers build cross-chain encryption applications, is launching Axlar virtual machines (VMs). Axlar describes its new virtual machines as Kubernetes for Web3. Axelar said in a statement, “Axelar virtual machine will allow developers to build their dApps (decentralized applications) on EVM, Cairo VM, Cosmos or other ecosystems and run them on all chains.” Interpretation of this information: Axlar is a blockchain network that has launched Axlar virtual machines (VMs) with the purpose of assisting developers in creating cross-chain encryption applications. These…
