Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep, New Lottery Tips Exposed! (Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep Lottery, Tips Revealed!)

Every day cool running little fatty sheep, new lottery tips exposed! (Everyday

Every day cool running little fatty sheep, new lottery tips exposed! (Everyday cool running little fatty sheep lottery, tips revealed!) Everyday cool running little fatty sheep is a recently released mount, which is very powerful in terms of attributes and skills! So what kind of methods are needed to draw every day cool running little fatty sheep? What are the lottery tips? Today, I will bring you the lottery strategy for Little Fatty Sheep!

Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep Lottery Strategy

Tips on Drawing Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep

1. Firstly, players need to prepare lottery vouchers with points!

2. Prepare more than 3 lottery vouchers with points.

3. Then players open the points lottery interface and draw the lottery.

4. Click to draw immediately. If you draw the moon pet, don’t continue to draw on the same day. Come back another day.

5. The number of times you can clear the game data per day is only once!

6. Players can also draw with points lottery vouchers. Each draw requires consuming one points lottery voucher.

Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep Lottery, Tips Revealed!

The latest version of Everyday Cool Run has launched the new mount Little Fatty Sheep. Many friends have already experienced it, and the editor is also very excited! However, the way to obtain the new mount Little Fatty Sheep in Everyday Cool Run is different from previous mounts. It requires using points to exchange. So, how can we quickly obtain points? Today, the editor will share a few lottery tips with everyone!

How to obtain Everyday Cool Run Little Fatty Sheep:

Points Exchange: Little Fatty Sheep is a new mount that players can exchange with points.

Purchase with Diamonds: Players will be given 20 diamonds after drawing Little Fatty Sheep.

Points Lottery: If players don’t get good items in their first draw, they can draw directly on the second draw. So the chance of getting good items is relatively small.

Tips for drawing Little Fatty Sheep:

First of all, players should use the original character Double Guns Xiaoshuai and choose any pet. Then enter the PK arena for one round and draw randomly. If no good items appear, repeat the first step. Keep repeating until good items are obtained.

It is best for players to draw before 8 am in the morning, as the chance is higher. Because there are fewer players during this time period, the chance of getting good items is also higher.

Lottery Tips:

1. First, players should use the original character Double Guns Xiaoshuai and choose any pet. Then enter the Invasion mode and draw randomly. If no good items appear, do not continue.

2. Then players can go to the Classic mode for a lap, then go to the Points Mall to buy Sun Wukong, choose any pet, enter the Invasion mode, and then return to the Points Mall to buy Sun Wukong again, choose any pet.

3. Then players can go to the Points Mall for a draw, but it’s best to draw twice in a row. This will increase the chance of getting good items.

4. Then players can go to the points mall to draw a superhero in the Points Mall, choose any pet, enter the Invasion mode, then go to the Points Mall to buy a Vampire Count, choose any pet, enter the Invasion mode, and then go to the Points Mall to buy a Vampire Count pet.

5. Finally, players can go to the Points Mall for a lottery, but the most important thing is not to clear the cache when drawing, otherwise the items obtained will be lost.

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