Perfect decryption! Ultimate strategy guide for The Witcher 2 side quests (showcasing game archery, easily completing The Witcher 2 side quests)

Perfect decryption! Ultimate strategy guide for The Witcher 2 side quests (showc

Perfect decryption! Ultimate strategy guide for The Witcher 2 side quests (showcasing game archery, easily completing The Witcher 2 side quests). Many players may not be clear about this, so let me introduce it to you.

Ultimate strategy guide for The Witcher 2 side quests.

Showcasing game archery, easily completing The Witcher 2 side quests

Side quests in “The Witcher 2” are tasks that every player must complete, but they also have sub-branches. Side quests are mostly relatively simple, as long as the player has certain skills, they can basically complete them without obstacles.

In “The Witcher 2”, there are many quests that require players to use archery to complete.


This quest requires the use of archery to complete. In the early stages of the game, players only need to follow the main quests to easily complete this quest. However, in the late stages of the game, the difficulty of the main quests will increase, and archery can be used to overcome this.


This is a quest that players must complete. At the beginning of the quest, players need to find a suitable position to aim at the target. Generally, in the middle area between the archer and the hunter, players can use weapons like bows or crossbows to attack distant targets. If it is a warrior, they can use a spear to attack.


This quest is relatively simple as well. Players only need to follow the instructions on the map and hold down the left or right mouse button to track the quest target. When the target is caught up with, it will automatically enter a battle state and begin chasing. Players only need to follow the quest prompts and hold down the left or right mouse button to attack. When the target is caught up with, it will automatically flee from battle.


This quest is more difficult. When using this skill, players must be careful not to stand on top of monster piles, otherwise, the monsters will attack the player. In addition, players can also use various traps and magic items to restrict the monster’s movement direction.


When using this skill, it is best for players to hide under trees so that monsters won’t find and attack them. Players can take advantage of this to dodge enemy attacks.

In the mid-game, since players have already completed the quests and their levels are already sufficient, these quests are basically not difficult. However, in the early-mid game, if players want to complete these types of quests, they can only rely on their archery skills, so it is recommended for everyone to practice more!

In summary, many of the side quests in “The Witcher II: Enhanced Edition” are relatively complex and tedious. Players can earn more rewards by constantly trying to complete these side quests, and they may also unlock new character images~

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