Master the Arrow of Retribution and become the undefeated marksman on the League of Legends mobile battlefield! (Arrow of Retribution: Decrypt the most strategic ultimate ability in League of Legends mobile!)

Master the Arrow of Retribution and become the undefeated marksman on the League

Master the Arrow of Retribution and become the undefeated marksman on the League of Legends mobile battlefield! (Arrow of Retribution: Decrypt the most strategic ultimate ability in League of Legends mobile!) In League of Legends mobile, the marksman has always been referred to as the strongest by players. Although the most threatening marksmen are only Vayne and Kai’Sa, as a qualified marksman, long range and high output are the basis for winning the match! So, how can one become a marksman? Today, the editor will share some tips about the Arrow of Retribution in marksman class~

The Arrow of Retribution is one of the most powerful long-range physical output equipment in “League of Legends”, which can deal additional damage and slow effects to hit enemies. This equipment not only enhances attack power but also brings attack speed and movement speed bonuses to oneself.

The active effect of the Arrow of Retribution is: dealing damage and knocking back all hit units. This equipment can increase the hero’s attack range and attack speed, and can also reduce the enemy hero’s attack speed and movement speed. This passive effect can slow down the enemy when attacking, combined with one’s high burst ability, it can instantly kill the opponent and make them unable to fight back.

In addition, the Arrow of Retribution can also reduce the enemy hero’s armor and magic resistance, which greatly increases the threat they face from marksmen. Furthermore, the Arrow of Retribution can increase one’s movement speed and attack speed, allowing for better pursuit of enemies.

In “League of Legends” mobile, there are many different types of marksmen, and the Arrow of Retribution is one of them. It can reduce the target hero’s armor, magic resistance, and health regeneration. It can reduce the enemy hero’s attack speed and movement speed, while also reducing the damage one deals to enemy heroes, making it easier for them to approach or escape.

The disadvantage of the Arrow of Retribution is its low attack power, but due to its strong mobility and flexibility, when the enemy chases us, we often choose to evade, so we need to pay attention to the timing of the enemy’s pursuit.

The Arrow of Retribution is one of the most important equipment in the game, it can provide oneself with attack speed and movement speed bonuses, greatly increasing the frequency and output of marksmen. Moreover, the unique passive skill of the Arrow of Retribution can provide a shield, allowing it to be immune to damage, control, and damage reduction effects, enabling marksmen to have more enduring strength and fight for a longer time.

Above is all the content that the editor shared with everyone, hope it helps~

Arrow of Retribution: Decrypt the most strategic ultimate ability in League of Legends mobile!

The most strategic ultimate ability in “League of Legends mobile”!

Arrow of Retribution: Decrypt the most strategic ultimate ability in League of Legends mobile!

Hero Introduction:

As a marksman, Caitlyn’s positioning in the game is a long-range physical hero.

The Arrow of Retribution has an extremely long attack range and high attack power, so she can almost instantly kill any enemy.

However, the disadvantages of the Arrow of Retribution are also very obvious: low attack power and vulnerability to attacks if the enemy has displacement skills, making it easy for the Arrow of Retribution’s attacks to hit, and being counterattacked by the enemy, directly depleting the enemy’s health. Therefore, in order to play her role in the lane, players need to practice more.

Fighting Techniques:

The control ability of the Arrow of Retribution is not very strong, so one must learn to use their own control and output to fight.

For example, if the enemy wants to dodge the Arrow of Retribution’s attack, one should try to stand in a safe position and avoid standing still while outputting.

If the enemy wants to dodge the Arrow of Retribution’s attack, one should reduce their own movement speed so that they can quickly leave the enemy’s attack range.

If the enemy wants to escape, they need to constantly use skills to consume, in order to better ensure their own safety.

Skills Introduction:

Shadow Assault (Passive): The next basic attack of the Arrow of Retribution will deal additional damage and gain a stack of Shadow Mark, which decays over 4 seconds (up to 3 stacks).

Ghost Step (W): The Arrow of Retribution enters stealth, gaining movement speed and extra movement speed for 6 seconds, during which they gain 10% additional movement speed and 50% additional attack speed, and deal damage to nearby enemies after the stealth ends.

Apocalypse (E): The Arrow of Retribution fires a magic projectile at the target, dealing area magic damage. If the target is stunned, the magic damage will be detonated.

Doomstrike (R): The Arrow of Retribution throws an explosive package, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area.

Enlightenment (Q): The Arrow of Retribution dashes forward, dealing magic damage to enemies in the path (up to 3 hits on minions and monsters). If the target is stunned, the explosive package will be detonated.

Finishing Move – Deadly Hunter (F): After charging for 1 second, the Arrow of Retribution charges forward. Dealing magic damage to all enemies in the path. When charging, it deals double damage and reduces movement speed by 30%, up to 2 stacks.

Tips for using the Arrow of Retribution:

The passive effect of the Arrow of Retribution is very powerful, it can continuously damage and slow down enemy heroes, greatly enhancing the enemy’s combat ability.

When the enemy wants to dodge the Arrow of Retribution’s attack, it is necessary to predict the enemy’s route and attack direction in advance.

In team fights, it is best for the Arrow of Retribution to take the initiative, then use the Q skill and W skill to output, which can maximize the burst damage in the shortest time.

Above are the relevant strategies for the “League of Legends Mobile” mobile game that the editor brought to everyone today. Do you all understand them? Hopefully, this strategy can help you. For more mobile game strategies, please follow our mobile game website!

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