Flaming World 1.80 Version, The Most Exciting Recommended Professions! (Return to Classic, Retro 1.80 Flaming World Strongest Professions Exposed!)

Flaming World 1.80 version, the most exciting recommended professions! (Return

Flaming World 1.80 version, the most exciting recommended professions! (Return to Classic, Retro 1.80 Flaming World Strongest Professions Exposed!) Flaming World 1.8 version, the most exciting recommended professions!

In the game, there are a total of four professions, each character has their own unique skills and roles, and each profession has different skills.


[Strong Burst Type] Attack Power: ★★☆☆

Survivability: ★☆☆☆

Damage Output: ★★☆☆

Operating Skills: ★★★


[High Attack Speed] Attack Power: ★★★☆

Survivability: ★★★☆☆

Damage Output: ★★★★

Operating Skills: ★★★


[Group Damage Control] Attack Power: ★★★

Survivability: ★★★☆☆

Damage Output: ★★☆☆

Operating Skills: ★★★


[Summoning Pet Support Type] Attack Power: ★★★☆

Survivability: ★★★★★

Damage Output: ★★★☆☆

Operating Skills: ★★☆


[Summoning Pet Defense Type] Attack Power: ★★

Survivability: ★★★★

Damage Output: ★☆

Operating Skills: ★

Summary: The three classic professions in “Flaming World” are warriors and mages, which are the best choices for novice players. Taoist is the choice for the rich players. Taoist’s summoning pets can provide players with strong survival and damage output. Of course, for common players, Taoist is a good choice. Although its damage output is not as good as warriors and mages, its survival and damage output abilities are very powerful, suitable for players who like monster grinding and PK.

(Return to Classic, Retro 1.80 Flaming World Strongest Professions Exposed!

In “Flaming World”, each player has their favorite profession, so which one is the strongest profession in “Flaming World”? Let’s analyze it below!

Warrior, with high HP, high defense, and wide area of effect damage, is the core of the team. Warrior’s skills are mostly melee attacks. In PK, they can use their high damage and defense advantage to withstand the enemy’s output while continuously consuming them, making them an indispensable main force on the battlefield.

Mage, with powerful AoE damage ability and various control effects and debuff BUFFs, is the king of crowd control in team fights. Its strong AoE magic output prevents opponents from getting close, making it the soul of the game.

Taoist, skilled in long-range spell attacks and healing abilities, is the main healer in the team. Its powerful healing abilities can quickly restore a large amount of HP to allies, providing logistical support for the team.

Everyone can enjoy “Flaming World” and experience the most authentic magical world in the passionate legendary world.

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