• Djed on Cardano Chain: A Stable Coin Making Historic Waves

    According to reports, the stable coin Djed on the Cardano chain has recently reached a historic high in circulation, with an official website showing a circulation of over 4.24 mil

  • COTI adds multi-wallet support for Cardano algorithm stable currency Djed

    On February 14, COTI, a payment solution company, added multi-wallet support to the Cardano algorithm stable currency Djed (DJED). Currently, wallets supported include Flint, GeroWallet, Yeroi Wallet, Typhon Wallet and NuFi. Interpretation of this information: COTI, a company that specializes in payment solutions, has recently made an announcement on February 14th that they have added multi-wallet support to the Cardano algorithm stable currency Djed (DJED). This means that users of Djed can now access and use their wallets through several different wallet providers, including Flint, GeroWallet, Yeroi Wallet, Typhon Wallet,…
