
  • A-share closing: Shenzhen Blockchain 50 Index up 4.82%

    According to news, the A-share market closed at 3296.4 points, with the Shanghai Composite Index rising 0.72%, the Shenzhen Composite Index closing at 11889.42 points, with a closi

  • Cryptocurrencies and the Need for Eradicating Fraud and Manipulation: Insights from CFTC Chairman

    According to reports, CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam stated that there is a need to eradicate fraud and manipulation in cryptocurrencies.
    CFTC Chairman: The need to eradicate fraud an

  • Combating Economic Crime: UK Government’s Three-Year Plan

    According to reports, British Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced the second part of the British government\’s economic crime plan at the Economic Crime Conference this week.

  • The Future of Computing Lies in the Metauniverse

    On March 30th, Nick Clegg, Vice President of Global Affairs of Meta, reiterated that he would continue to develop the metauniverse, and that the future of computing would occur in

  • The Importance of Allotting $2.4 Billion to SEC and The Need to Combat Cryptocurrency Misconduct

    According to reports, Gary Gensler, chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, supported President Biden\’s request to allocate a record $2.4 billion to the r

  • The Fall of Metauniverse: Reasons Behind Its Decline and What Lies Ahead

    According to reports, the previously popular metauniverse in the scientific and technological world has \”fallen out of favor.\”. Disney will cancel its Meta Universe division, Micro

  • Jeff Ren, Partner, OKX Ventures: Web3 is reshaping the creator economy

    On March 22, Jeff Ren, partner of OKX Ventures, was invited to attend the 2023 OUTLAND Art Exhibition in Hong Kong and participate in a roundtable discussion. He spoke with Jeff Chu, founder and managing partner of Keneti, a local company in Hong Kong, and Karma Pocket, a NFT collector. Interpretation of this information: The message mentions the attendance of Jeff Ren, partner of OKX Ventures, at the 2023 OUTLAND Art Exhibition held in Hong Kong. Ren participated in a roundtable discussion with two individuals, namely Jeff Chu, founder and…

  • SBF will propose a revised bail plan to meet the judge’s dissatisfaction with the use of technology during house arrest

    It is reported that SBF will propose a revised bail plan aimed at satisfying judges’ dissatisfaction with their use of technology during house arrest. After being released on bail of $250 million, SBF was confined to its parents’ house with monitoring devices on its ankles, but its use of encrypted text messaging applications and virtual private networks (VPNs) angered U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. Kaplan said that if the SBF is dissatisfied with these restrictions, he will withdraw his bail plan and send him to prison before the October trial….

  • Encryption hosting company Copper will shut down its software and infrastructure development department

    It is reported that Copper, a British encryption and hosting company, will close its software and infrastructure development department to focus on the Clear Loop hosting and settlement business. Copper’s corporate division focuses on providing digital asset custody and infrastructure solutions for banks and funds. Sources say layoffs have begun, but it is too early to say how many people will be affected. Interpretation of this information: The news of Copper closing its software and infrastructure development department has caught many people off-guard. The decision to shift focus to the…

  • Encryption company River and Bitcoin Magazine cooperate to promote the adoption of Bitcoin

    On March 8, River, a Bitcoin technology company, announced to cooperate with Bitcoin Magazine to establish a lightning partnership to promote the adoption of Bitcoin. It is understood that River mainly provides Bitcoin brokerage accounts, lightning network and mining services. (prnewswire) Interpretation of this information: The recent announcement made by River, a Bitcoin technology company, highlighted their partnership with Bitcoin Magazine in promoting the adoption of Bitcoin. This collaboration between two industry players reinforces the notion that the role of Bitcoin in the financial industry continues to grow. River’s primary…

  • Shanghai: cultivate AI industrial clusters and promote the in-depth application of new generation AI technologies such as general AI and XR

    It is reported that the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and others issued the “Plan for Promoting the Construction of the” Big Zero Bay “Science and Technology Innovation Policy Source Functional Zone”, which proposed to cultivate artificial intelligence industrial clusters. Focusing on the fields of intelligent hardware, intelligent robots and intelligent driving, and focusing on core technologies such as high-end chips, sensors and industrial software, we will cultivate a number of high-energy enterprises with international leading level and independent intellectual property rights. Relying on the Maqiao AI Innovation…

  • A Missouri resident was sentenced to 5 years’ probation for supervision for shooting a Bitcoin ATM with a pistol

    According to reports, Matthew Klinger, a 51-year-old resident of Jefferson City, Missouri, USA, was sentenced to five years’ probation after admitting to shooting a Bitcoin ATM with a pistol. It is not clear whether this machine has any faults, but Klinger said that he did so “to prevent it from taking money from others”. Interpretation of this information: The incident of a man shooting a Bitcoin ATM in Missouri, USA has been reported. The man, Matthew Klinger, was sentenced to five years of probation for admitting to the act. The…

  • Zhejiang has issued a “new policy” for future industrial development, giving priority to the promotion of metauniverse, bionic robots, etc

    It is reported that the official website of Zhejiang Provincial Government recently released the Guiding Opinions on Fostering and Developing Future Industries. The Guiding Opinions put forward that priority should be given to the development of nine industries, including the future network, the metauniverse, aerospace information, bionic robots, synthetic biology, future medical treatment, hydrogen energy and energy storage, cutting-edge new materials, and flexible electronics, and the exploration and development of six industries, including quantum information, brain science and brain-like intelligence, deep earth and deep sea, controlled nuclear fusion and nuclear…
