Master the synthesis skills of Naruto and create the strongest lineup strategy! (Exclusive sharing of Naruto synthesis skills, making you a synthesis master!)

Master the synthesis skills of Naruto and create the strongest lineup strategy!

Master the synthesis skills of Naruto and create the strongest lineup strategy! (Exclusive sharing of Naruto synthesis skills, making you a synthesis master!) Naruto is a very classic card mobile game. In this game, players are most concerned about how to create their strongest lineup. For Naruto mobile game players, Naruto is one of the core gameplay in the game. Players can upgrade ninjas, increase ninja levels, and enhance skills through synthesis. However, in order to create the strongest ninja, you also need enough money, otherwise it cannot be completed. So how can we maximize the resources in the game? The following brings you the synthesis skills sharing of Naruto mobile game!

Naruto mobile game synthesis skills sharing

1. First enter the Naruto game and click on the ninja icon in the lower right corner of the screen to enter the ninja system interface.

2. Then click on the “Ninja” function button below, and enter the ninja synthesis interface.

3. In the upper left corner of the interface, you can view all the Naruto fragments and the methods of obtaining fragments.

4. Click the “+” button, and you can enter the ninja synthesis page, where players can choose which ninjas to put in and how many.

5. When you have filled all 7 ninjas of the same attribute, click “OK” to complete the synthesis and successfully upgrade the ninja to the maximum level.

6. Click the “+” button on the left to see the ninjas that can be put in. If players don’t put in the ninjas they like, they can also replace them by clicking the “+” button on the left, which will consume a ninja.

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Exclusive sharing of Naruto synthesis skills, making you a synthesis master!

Today I want to share with Naruto fans a small trick in the game’s synthesis system. Through the synthesis system, you can upgrade the level of the ninja and even synthesize ninjas of higher quality. So don’t forget to learn about it when synthesizing, after all, there is a certain risk in synthesis, so mastering synthesis is a must for becoming a master!

First, let’s take a look at the types of synthesis materials:

Leaf Village Three Ninja Fragments = 20 Leaf Village Three Ninja Fragments

Water Moon Fragments = 25 Water Moon Fragments

Hyūga Haku = 50 Hyūga Fruits

Raiton: Wind Killing Formation = 50 Lightning Blade + 250 Gold Coins

Fūton: Kamikaze = 100 Wind Killing Formation + 250 Gold Coins

Raiton: Chidori = 150 Million Gold Coins

Raiton: Phoenix Flower Sword = 200 Phoenix Flowers

Katon: Eight Consecutive Slashes = 300 Fireball Jutsu + 2.5 Million Gold Coins

Spirit Beast Skill Scroll = 200 Spirit Beast Scroll + 300 Gold Coins

Spirit Beast Skill Book = 100 Spirit Beast Book + 400 Gold Coins

Above are all the strategies that the editor brings to you, hoping to help you.

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